

Better Than the Movies
Love is a story better than the movies,
With twists and turns that often leave us woozy.
It's a tale of passion, joy, and pain,
That makes our hearts beat like a runaway train.

It starts with a glance, a simple look,
And soon enough, we're hooked.
Our minds race with what-ifs and maybes,
As we dance through a world of hope and crazies.

We feel the rush of a first kiss,
And the warmth of a loving embrace.
We share our secrets, our fears, and our dreams,
As we journey through life's endless streams.

We learn to compromise, to forgive, and to care,
To be there for each other, through thick and thin.
We build a bond that's strong and true,
A love that's better than anything Hollywood could ever do.

For in real life, there are no scripts,
No perfect endings, no fairy tale trips.
But there's a beauty in the imperfection,
A magic in the mundane that defies description.

So here's to love, the story better than the movies,
A tale of two hearts beating as one.
May it always inspire, uplift, and move us,
And remind us that true love has already won.
© lizzz