

Lucifers Lies
Lucifer, the king of lies,
With honeyed words and false disguise,
He weaves his tales with cunning skill,
To turn our hearts and make us thrill.

He whispers promises in our ears,
Of riches, power, and endless cheers,
But all he offers is a hollow dream,
A trap that leads to eternal scream.

He twists the truth and bends the light,
To blind our eyes and dim our sight,
And in our ignorance, we fall,
Into his grasp, his twisted thrall.

But let us not be fooled by him,
Or let our souls be led astray by sin,
For though his power may seem so grand,
It is built on lies and shifting sand.

So let us hold fast to the light,
And flee the seige

© Ivlinek45dozbeauty# Dream Quotes#