

The Star I loved
I wished you weren't a star that sat there and waited for me to find you,
Instead, I hoped, though unlikely, you searched for me the way I did;
Am I the only one longing for you, putting in the effort to make you stay?
Am I the only one pleased to see each other at our every meetup?
Am I stupid to think that you shine there brilliantly just for me?

I wished you were a leaf that swam over the rivers to find me,
I would have still loved you even if you weren't a star;
At least you wouldn't stay out of my reach in that case,
I could meet with you up close, unlike until now,
We could speak and laugh, unlike the endless glance we shared.

I must be an idiot to fall for you, knowing it was impossible
You should have just stayed behind the apple tree like usual
And not appeared in my field of view or behind the clouds
Why did you appear in my sky only to give me false hope?
Maybe I was at fault to look at the sky where I didn't belong.
© Furin