

Breathe again
The night is warm and peace,
Yet the shadow of loneliness
Had wrapped my
Tears on my pillow.
When can I had the dreams?
The sun will soon rise,
Everything will look fine as it is,
If ? I had to look up to the sky,
will that moon be still shining even when the thunder lightning strikes ?
Or will that thought be vanished when I wake up
Like The dream that I had never had before.
If ? I could erase the darkness and brought back the ray beam of light.?
the story that doesn't have an ending pages
..it really does exist ..
The only thing who stands beside me
Is this cruel world.
If ? this world will fall apart,
Where do I stand tomorrow ?
If ? I had to live with no regrets
I had to breathe again...
not for anyone but me
just me..

© verinmiwashi