

Unfolded Chapters
In stages, we grow, like flowers in bloom,
From tiny seeds, we find our room.
Each step we take, a path unknown,
With courage and strength, we've shown.

In stages, we learn, like pages in a book,
Seeking knowledge in every nook.
From ABCs to complex equations,
Expanding minds with new revelations.

In stages, we love, like waves on the shore,
Embracing feelings we can't ignore.
From friendship's spark to passion's fire,
Love's journey takes us higher and higher.

In stages, we live, like chapters in a story,
Navigating life's twists and glory.
From highs to lows, we persevere,
Finding purpose, shedding fear.

So let us embrace each stage we find,
For in these moments, life's beauty, we'll bind.
In stages, we grow, learn, love, and live,
Creating a life that we can truly give.
© providence