

i've slipped off to sleep my friend,
Had a peak behind the curtain again...

It's a curious place,
Like a name without a face...

i like to call it Eigengrau,
Where there is no when, but only now...

A place where the Masters meet,
at that grey retreat...

They asked me what the matter was,
and i replied the matter was just mind...
A game of seek and find...

And we laughed at that, and joked and played...
If i could, i would have surely stayed...

In that place of intrinsic grey... a stadium awaits, the world, it's stage...

Could it be, that it's all just a big play?

i wouldn't know, couldn't say... i wasn't ready, it was too soon to stay...

So i sat on the steps, with my head in my hands, and i wept...

And now that the time in waking is past,
A quickening stirs, something's coming fast...

A feeling of a paradigm shift...
A rinse for conditioning, to heal this rift...

To feel what is real...
To know something new... and true...

Let us untie this knot, we have to try...
When did it happen, we were traded truth for a lie?

And so let the seekers seek, and the wanderers find their way...

The path appears beneath our feet, each step we dare to take...

We know the road is right and true because it's fruit is love, and lights the way...

The only ticket required for this universal trip, is to drop all expectations...
Let all the labels slip...

Just be, without projecting what we expect to be expecting...

just allow what is to be... and then see what there is to see...

Liberate your mind, be free...
If it's not for Love, it should be...

Anything is possible, knowing this is key...

© Kelli Shea Ross