

Last Day with Love
That night, we made love as if it’s the last time.
It was tender, passionate, and sensational. Through our bodies, we try to say what we haven’t yet been able to say with our words. Each kiss tells the other how much we long for the other; each touch is our desire to never let go.
We fell asleep in one another’s arms, unable to be apart even to rest, fearful of what the morning will bring. But too soon, it’s daytime, and our goodbye begins. It was bittersweet, to say the least.
While standing in the doorway, holding hands and staring out into each other's eyes. I asked
“Is it silly if I say that I don’t want to leave?”
No, It’s not silly. But we can’t stay, he replied

“I know.”
“But for the first time in a long time, I feel whole again. Like the world is sharper, clearer, and like I know who I really am. And I don’t want that feeling to go away.”
Is this love or am I crazy?
Tears welled up. It bugs me that our goodbye start and ends here
I took a final look at him and I knew in my heart that we will see no more.

© Victoria Damilola

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