

Bundled Flames

In the photo album of my perceptions
I see a misty image.
It is the image of myself
Struggling ahead with a heavy load!

It is a bundle of flames on my back
Its heat boils my blood, fades my sight
shiver my limbs
And chokes my breath.

The vapour of fuming mind
Fills my skull with rising pressure!
The pressure spreads to my vessels
And search tender spot to burst!

My marrow sizzles,
Nerves breaks,
Capillaries crack!
Thoughts may fly out as volcanic flames!

Let me carry this 'Erumudi'
This load of virtues and sin;
And follow the wild track
To 'Tatwamasi'!

It has to e ashed
In the 'Karpoora Azhi'
And dip in the 'Bhasmakkulam'
To purify me
Before bowing the feet of Loard.

I have to merge as a shade
In the virgin soil of the wood
Listening the wild tune
Of bliss echoing in the wilderness!

© Rajendran Thriveni