

A tree house.
"A tree house"
Away from the hustle and bustle,
in the arms of wind,
in the arms of leaves,
Away from people,
Away from rush,
in a corner but the center of the earth,
where I'll get ataraxia,
where my heart would love to reside,
with less but more,
with time and cure,
the healing will begin,
in the Tree house for sure.
Where my neighbours wouldn't worry much about me,
where I'll be ready to take my own decisions.
some books, some plants,
some food to survive,
All it sums up to be a different kind of vibe,
Home is sonewhere you feel yourself alive,
where you get rid of all the traumas,
where you lie and fall asleep,
where you worry less,
home is always a home,
Neverthless a buglow Or a Hut.

© yours.manu