

some don't get peace, rather a story able to give long after
For someone who wanted nothing more than to be the same
She was different in every way

For someone who needed to fit in
She continuesly found herself being the outcast

For someone who longed for faithful companionship
She was so often found the center of mockery

For someone whos goal was to find pure happiness
She endured some of the most painful feelings possible

For someone who's heart found contentment in innocence
She was deeply impacted by many traumas seen, felt, heard and constantly return.

For someone who desired peace and ignorance
She only ever knew chaos, deep defining thoughts and complex survival strategies

For someone whos born given passions are ones of purity, nature and connections with living creatures big to small.
She found herself warped in toxins, darkness and death can always be felt watching.

No parents says I'm going to raise a drug addicted
No school plotted against a student to fail as a drug addict
Trauma causing need for self soothing
Everyone naturally seeks safety
Everyone by nature avoids fear.

I have been the traumatized high schooler i once was, for all of my adult years
I see it, so I will begin to feel it.
My heart will process it but I'll will no longer be it.

I guess I wasn't destined for a peaceful, simple life. I got a story to tell. that can bring help, understanding aswel as peace to multiple aching hearts years to come..

- escaped thoughts of an Addict
© E.Savannah

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