

Vain Vague Vogue
How will one say "I need it"

in a not so needy way

How will one say "Tell me"

Without forcing them today

How will one say "It's okay"

Without lying straight to their face

How will one say "It's not okay"

Without it coming off as degrade

Poets have their ways

In a not so obvious ways

They snatch or borrow phrase

From lyrics and punchlines and trace

Trace back their way towards their intentions

Without making any hesitations

Just to let one know what they need and feel

And oh

There may be a million ways to do so.


As vague as the clouds when it is not so

Intricately scattered

As vague as the blanket without the lines

Of checkerds and plaids

As vague as the clear sky

When cumulonimbus dont want to show

Poets have their way to sound things vogue.


But as my vocabulary was out-stretched

Far and wide

Like a northern sky,

As it was weaved in a complex way

Too hard to perceive by the blind,

May I always keep in mind

That with the right people

I dont need to try too hard

To sound too smart

Just to ask for what I really need,

Just to say I'm too interested,

Just to let them know when one thing

is okay

And to let them show when it is not.


No matter how vague I maybe

I know I have to elaborate my needs

But it is balance that I want to heed

To make things fancy, witty and vogue

To please, To release, To appease;

But also to tell my needs in simple way

So my words will be received with ease.

© UnS̶p̶o̶k̶e̶n̶ Poetry.