

A Poem Buried in Time
In poem, I find a precious gem,
A sacred vow, a praise that's deep.
Carving sincerity's diadem,
Meanings so grand, emotions I keep.

My poem, a string of love cherished and true,
Not meant for a torrent of blame, sharp and new.
These words, a fragile flame, a candle's light,
Ink bleeds confession yearning to ignite.
Woven with threads of heartfelt, a gentle plea,
A glimpse of my soul laid bare for you to see.

Behind the verse, a secret admire,
Not empty words, nor sweet deceit's pyre.
Only pureness of heart's desire,
My love for you, in verse I weave entire.

Yet trust, for you to hold,
In times of doubt, it speaks in silence.
Deception's path, a story untold,
While truth's embrace offers sweet reliance.

No matter who you are, my love remains,
Acceptance and embrace, a love that sustains.

You questioned my truth, a vow I did hold,
"I will stay true," my promise, sincere and bold.

Through darkness and light, in past, present, and new,
My hand in yours, my loyalty ever true.

Though my words may falter, my heart's intent pure,
Distrust's sting undeserved, a love that endures.

But you left, scornful whispers branding me a liar,
My words deemed deceit, setting our love on fire.

My affection dismissed as a mere playful game,
Leaving my heart shattered, awash in pain and shame.

You deemed my tears a ploy, a weapon of my own,
What greater hurt can one endure, so utterly alone?

Your choice to leave fueled by a distrust so deep,
Blinding you to the love my heart yearns to keep.
The depths of my confession, unseen by your gaze,
Lost in the shadows of suspicion's cruel maze.

Years turn to dust, you may return,
A haunting doubt, a question may burn.
"Do whispered vows still hold their worth?"
My heart, unwavering, a smile will sing its truth forth.

© 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑧𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑐𝑐𝑎