

The Dance of Fortune
A fortunate shot resulted in a goal, As if it were a lucky rabbit's foot you possess, People lose control, A million or two more or less,In the heat of the game, emotions run high, Fans hold their breath, reaching for the sky, A twist of fate, a turn of events, In that moment, all doubts relent.But luck is fleeting, as fortunes can change, One goal celebrated, another feels the pain, Yet in this dance of skill and chance, The magic of the game continues its trance.With every kick, every pass, every run, The players fight until the battle is won, For on this field, where dreams take flight, Destiny is shaped in the heat of the fight.So let the whistle blow, let the game unfold, For in each victory and defeat, stories are told, In the hearts of the players, the fans, and more, The spirit of the game forever will soar.