

A forbidden love
In a secret rose garden, two hearts intertwine.
Obscured by the veil of darkness,
Undetected, whispers of forbidden love float in the air.
In the wet drizzle, two naked souls dance.
In a secluded and serene location.

Two lovers who are not meant for each other.
Embrace and share love melodies.
A cruel eye watches them, as dark as night.
Even so, the flame of love burns.
Like the phoenix, it thrives in the face of adversity.

Like a mighty river coursing steadily,
Their passion is undeniably true.
Even if their love may be hidden,
It is thriving, enchanting, and lustrous.
Like the gentle breeze rustling the dry leaves.

The evil world conspires against them,
Their forbidden love blooms once more.
Against all odds, they have prevailed.
Driven by love and desire for each other.
Through the rain and fires, their love burns hotter.

While dancing on this eerie moonless night,
They tread lightly with their soft steps.
For they know, their love knows no bounds.
No earthly decree will limit their union.
True love always wins, and it is an eternal abyss.

© Mwebe Morgan