

What you sow is what you reap
Like shadow, your deeds follow you like jeep
What goes around, comes around
Karma is real, don't be deceived

What you give will come back to take one day
All you do, there will be a return one day
What the wheel of fate turns, it serves you, what you've cooked
Karma is true, and the effect of your actions is booked

Every step you take, be careful of the return
The energy you put out retributes in the same vein
Today's seed will bloom and tomorrow, you will harvest
Your future is filled, by yesterday's actions, as a mandatory test

Actions performed now will one day return
And the effect on you will have a rerun
The sea of karma brings back thrown objects to the owner
Karma is real, so always do good, my brother

© Sulaimon Khalid