

mother's 2
good mother's always gives their kids advice, great mother's give their kids a great life, most mothers tend to write neater, while other mothers are just great leaders. mothers give advice, mothers have rules, the best part about being a mother, is everyone thinks their cool. mother's are angels that save the day, and when you cry they wipe your tears away. mothers may have rules that you may not like, but it's a mother's job to teach you right from wrong, with your mother you should never argue, or fight, because they are always there to make sure your alright. mother's, mother's they tell us what to do, just say okay mom without an attitude. mother's are amazing we all know the rest, for all of their children they always do their best. mother's are the ones who put good thoughts into our head, they hug us goodnight and tuck us into bed. through out our lives our mother's held our hand, now it's time to be a grown woman or man, mother's can only guide the way, the rest we need to know, they taught us to learn as they taught us to grow. no mother should receive disrespect, after all the great things they're children get, mother's do everything to make sure your life is good, so don't bad mouth your mother and do as you should, you will earn your mother's trust as Time pass, do what your suppose to do just as she asked, we should listen to our moms they are higher authority, it's their time to shine with love and royalty