

My Shield Of Fire
Her soul burnt bright
Remnant of hell fire
Ignited by longing to be alright
Guided by painful desire
Her soul I fear and admire

What pain had caused her grief
In this moment fuelled her
In those eyes I saw memories unleashed
She foresees my enemies

All alone
My heart was turning stone
Lacking the backbone to hold my own

Then she came for me
To save me from this family

Just to breathe she had to rebell
She fought through hell
Now she fought for me
To get me out unburned and well

I felt my heart thump
Life flooding back through my veins

Thump thump thump
I don't want more flames

I'm just a child
I still want my happy life
Have fun and be wild
I smiled

You refused to let me burn
Shielding me and holding firm
Now I finally yearn
For a life without concern

I can be childish
It's everything I've ever wished

You make my life richer
Thank you big sister

© Oliver Everheart