

stolen voices
Stolen voices 

Still takin 
Our speech 
Our freedom of speech 
And I thought 
This is America....

They're always bannin
Somethin....cancelin shit
Like don't speak up 
Don't be activist 
Unless you want a death threat 
Or put you in a psych ward....

To the public eye 
These kinds of people 
Will ruin your reputation 
And make you say sorry 

For givin facts away 
As in false info....

Politics ain't the topic
That includes religion 
Even racism 
All of those things 
You cannot say 
On social media...

Yet you speak the 
Truth out loud 
In the open....
You don't care....
They will always report 

Others be like 
I told you not to say 
Anythin but you don't listen....
That's cos 
Others are scared shitless...
Others don't wanna risk a sacrifice 
For doing the right thing 

To wake the world up...

You do it within 
Your heart 
Your gut 
You're compassionate 
You're angry 
You want change 
It's frustratin

And still 
People will ignore 
People will cancel you 

You have a voice 
That's powerful 
And a voice can change someone's mind 
And these kinds of people are afraid of that...
They're afraid of critical thinkers 

Sayin they can't have that....

Freedom of speech 
Is a lie.....
You get canceled on 
Platforms your reputation 
Gets ruined 
You could be dead.....

It's really unfortunate 
How the world works 
In evil favors...

It's why people 
Are scared to tell the truth 
They tuck their tails between their 
Thighs like good little children...
Those are the ones who raise their fingers 
To quiet the truth tellers.....
The ones who spill their hurt feelings 
Out in a lonely room....

Last night
I heard 
The kinds of people 
Who hushed black creators
On TikTok
Not to talk about
Politics durin the election
It might be somethin big
Goin on, tragedy or anythin
It's not goin to be good...

They don't want secrets
To come out...💯✊🏿©️ Kai C. 6-29-24
© Kai C..