

Good Friday

In solemn silence, Good Friday's veil is rent,
A symbol profound, in sorrowful descent.
The curtain torn, from top to base,
Revealing grace, in sacred space.

Beyond the shroud, a sacred scene,
Where love and mercy intercede.
The veil of separation, torn apart,
Inviting all to a reconciled heart.

The veil, a barrier, once stood tall,
Now broken, shattered, at Love's call.
No longer bound by earthly chains,
Humanity's redemption forever reigns.

Through Christ's sacrifice, the veil undone,
The barrier between God and man is gone.
In the tearing, a symbol of hope,
A pathway to salvation, a divine scope.

So on this day, let hearts unite,
In reverence for the One who brought the light.
For through His love, the veil is torn,
And in His grace, we are reborn.
© shanita