

Luke 23 1-35 pt. 1
You can be a good person
Healing and saving souls
Yet, those around you
Do dirt where ever they go
Despite the plea of higher ups
Despite not seeing fault in you
No matter the person who stands
In front of them in the land
Their demons scream
At the top of there lungs
Saying inwardly

"letting them go is no good
We find in Him all that we are not
He is a man that gives to all
Giving conviction to them
we don't do right in His sight
Therefore we shall get rid of Him
The one who calls Himself
The child of The King Of All Kings
If he truly shall be
Why don't we crucify Him
So we can no longer
Struggle inside of ourselves"

He said nothing since He was innocent
Letting them shove and scream
Since he knew no matter the words that were spoken