

Emotions unmoored
In ephemeral vessels of flesh and bone,
Fragile emotions swirl, like tempests unsewn,
Tenuous threads of sentiment, easily torn,
Leaving scars that linger, like autumn's mourn.

The heart, a delicate crystal, shatters with ease,
A mere whisper of sorrow, a fragile breeze,
The mind, a labyrinth of emotions, lost and worn,
A maze of vulnerabilities, forever forlorn.

The soul, a flickering flame, vulnerable to pain,
A delicate dance of feelings, easily in vain,
The fragility of emotions, a burden we bear,
A weight that presses upon us, beyond repair.

And in this darkness, we search for a shore,
A refuge from the turmoil, that we can't ignore,
But like the waves, our emotions crash and roar,
Leaving us lost, in an uncertain score.

© Bishal kalita