

With her head low and nowhere to go ,she can't explain this mysterious pain
It comes on so fast
How long will it last .
Her heart is pounding her head starts to spin,she does not want you in
She's uncontrollably crying
It feels like she's dying.....Her body is trembling,her hands start to shake
She feels so helpless with this horrible ache..
Someone , please help her;make this thing go way
She can't stand to feel this way one more day
With her head hung low not knowing where to go she tries to explain this mysterious pain.........................."🥺Here on my arm lies a mark that I made when I was so low ,I cut with a blade to punish my body for being a mess ... Though here is a statement I must confess......That seeing these scars left on my arms ,legs and chest make me realize that I was in a place of no rest
I feel guilty inside for leaving this token ,now I'll see and remember that I was so broken
But seeing these scars helps me see that I survived so much trauma and now I'm free ..so I ask you now to stand with me and fight to show all these demons that what they're doing isn't right.
You won the battle of good versus bad you are still alive and no longer sad.....
Here on my arm lies a mark of survival that I got through hate and beat myself-rival
With her head low and nowhere to go she's tried to explain this mysterious pain.

from my good friend...