

I have a friend, the best of all
We've made memories that is so much to recall
The word awkwardness wasn't on our vocabulary
For we are true to oneself, I used to call her my bibi

This girl is so very amazing
She's chubby yet is so hot and sizzling
If I were to write my life a story
Then she'll be a part of it and one of the best part for surely

As I am writing this piece of mine for her
I can still remember the last time we're together
I hugged her so tight, If she'll go I don't wanna let her
But it's the next phase of our lives that we has to enter

We've shared the same story, like we're a duplicated key
We've had so much in common like how possibly could it be?
She's really the girl who can drive me crazy just like so me
We have the same mental disorder but we're just having fun and feeling free

We've done so many things in the most craziest way we could
Even having nothing, if we're up to something, we don't think twice we would
Because we know how big He is that is always with us
Our Provider, Protector and Such wherein we're leaning on safely

It was just so an amazing feeling having someone who believes
It was so overwhelming having someone to be with
And indeed such a blessing having someone who you can lean
Even though she must be the most craziest yokai you could ever meet

Im so thankful to God for having you with me
Bibi everyday I'll always be thanking you for everything
You've got to cope up with my attitude likewise as yours
I'm heading on your way my bibi just wait for me in a bit ♥️