

I’ve Never Heard You Snore
This night comes in welcome advance, a peaceful contrast to the days ahead.
Blankness in my mind, a rare enjoyment.
A gorgeous dove, enthralled in sleep’s habitual grace, sits alongside me.
I cannot touch her, a regular disdain of my body and heart.
I am but afforded the tender embrace of her sweet grasping of life.
She knows it not, but her breathing is all I ever need to make a night worth living through.
My heart, paced by the rising and falling of her chest, envelops itself in a warmth granted only by her body’s steady tidings.
I’m allowed, just for these tender moments, to let go of tomorrow’s troubles, for I have today’s beauty right next to me.
And best believe, to any soul lucky enough to bear witness to a gift of life such as this, nature rarely offers such a dose of kindness into one soul.
So I stay here, listening to my dove’s adventures in the realm of sleep, feeling not loneliness, nor melancholy, towards the absence of her benevolent voice.
I know my dove, instead, awaits me to one day join her in the universal experience of sleep.
Until then, I’ll just find comfort in her gentle repetitions.
I’ll admit, though.
I’ve never heard you snore.