A Poets Lament on Mundane Things: Socks
As I was looking out of the bedroom window the other day, my wife called from another room and said, "what are you doing? I replied "looking at the world outside, it's dull and grey". At that moment it was if time stood still as inspiration gripped my soul, while my poetic spirit sought a rhyming couplet. It seemed as if the cosmos was calling out to me to utter words so profoud that they would pierce the hearts of mankind and cause them to reform their ways, to pursue more nobler goals and aspire to make the world a better place. Maybe deep within my consciousness there was a line that would rend the fabric of the universe apart, a thought so profound that all intelligent minds would begin to question everything they had ever known or believed to be true. And the universe was listening, to me a mere mortal, not one of noble birth but born from ordinary men who in times past ploughed the land, or deep within...