

My Passions, are a wild Tempest
Your mood, is Grey and Cloudy
and I am hoping, for it to Rain.
So My Heart, can pour it's Feelings.
That will wash down, all your Pain.
My Passions, are a wild Tempest.
They will sweep U, by its Force.
The Night, is Young and Hopeful.
For My Storm, to run it's Course.
I'll begin, with a downpour.
U can call it, the Cyclone of Love.
My Kisses, will strike U like Thunder.
It will be like lightning from Above.
I shall, Whisper U....sweet Words
and undress U, with My Eyes.
U shall dismantle Me, with your Kisses.
As I lay, between your Thighs.

© Savio Fonseca
#erotica #yqwriter #writco #Love&love #Love&love💞 #Life&Life #Feelings #relationships #passion #poem