

Waker Waker Starry Eyed Faker

Starry eyes.
As we live in a star studded dream.
Egos taking us places we've never seen
Where enigma and reality are all we can count on to be what it seems
Places!! Lights!! Cameras!! Reality!!
Shouldn't it be action?
Next scene?
What next scene?
Isn't this a dream?
Am I not dreaming?
My ego's taking me places I've never.... scene?
Scene? Seen?
Don't get me wrong.
It's all an illusion?
Illusion... Illusion?
Don't I get a third take to perfect the scene? Seen?
What take?
This isn't a dream!!
It's real life!!
You think it gives you second takes?!
And plays it safe?!
Reality is what we do here!!
Go be a faker.
A second rate dream maker.
Go do that somewhere else yah bum!!
We don't want your kind here to spoil our reality!!
Haven't you done enough dreaming!!
Wake up!!
Waking up is such sweet sorrow.
Being called a faker in my own dreams.
What does a girl got to do to dream safely anymore.
Where rose petals, sweet summer light and skipping along with a smile on my face is my only requirement.
Now I can't dream without being verbally assaulted!!
Is there no dreaming in dreaming anymore?
Is everything only reality?
No safe place in my mind anymore?
Is there only a travesty?
A travesty! A travesty!! A travesty!!!!
What's a dream?


© Andrea Crawford