

My Lovely 🌹
"You see for I was once a child so sweet & tender like that of a deer, however so I too like Bambi got neglected out in the wilderness with nothing but a single tear,🫧💧

I'm only telling you this because I'm finally now starting to begin to open my world & life up to you my sweet, but you too are also valuable & rare one like a pleasant treat,🥧🥠🍬🍭

Oh how priceless you are to me, you're worth a fortune of gold times every sea to shining sea, and now you've became my honey, 💋💕💋💕

So I'd ask of you to please comb through me ever so delicately & with great care, for these betrayed & abandoned parts remain hardened that I still bare,💘❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💘

Please be gentle & patient just wait & see, & you have me at my finest words when I say that I shall forever cherish & love thee, 💋💖😘

Please don't ever forget for I mean all that I speak, I promise I'll be with you even when all seems weary & bleak,😔💕

So remember me & you & us together there makes one perfect set of three, those words "me & you & us" will hopefully one-day build into a perfect family tree...."🎄🏡👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

© 13