

A Gentleman With Extra Spirit
mine, don't you tired ?
running on the field
playing kites and laughing behind the shield
pulling back forward with broken knees
fall and rise, like the sky never gets dark
and the wind wont stop seducing
darl, don't you tired ?
dribbling the fire ball when it's raining
ignoring them who are yelling
asking you to stop but you thought you gonna win
against nothing
hun, don't you mind it ?
the grass and the sky you are stepping on and facing
the heart and the earth of a girl who's waiting
for you to
see her waving
time to go home
nuggets and kisses would sound same
them, warm
them, unharm
hun, my delicate bursting moonlight
my only mine, the one who claims me yours
time to go home
nuggets and kisses would taste same
them, numerous
them, yours
© calinajenahara