

They craved for a short moment
A moment without the least value
Eyes covered with shreds of rag
Deeper it is, hard to perceive
They embrace with vigour, deceptive tales.

Insatiable interests and desires,
Blessing becomes a trial
Even the obvious could not be perceived
In the evident light of the day
Tell, what are you after?

The books contain lots of them
All they clamour, within reach
Many caught in the devil's trap
Nose can't smell the prison
An incarceration of the mind

The world looks ashamed
it's honour trampled upon
Heads shake in disgust
The bald eye man hisses
A sect at the verge of collapse

God's grace suffices
My epistle contains renowned words
Save the future with all thy sstrength
Dine with the devil not
And cultivate thy self, great purpose.
© Yusuf Muhammad