


Commitment's steady flame, 🔥
A burning fire that remains,
Through joy and strife, it stands, 💪
A promise kept, a bond that expands. 🌈

With every step, with every test, 🚶‍♂️
It weathers storms, and finds its best, ☁️
A steadfast heart, a loyal soul, ❤️
A dedication that makes us whole. 🌊

Like roots that deepen, strong and deep, 🌿
Commitment's roots our love do keep,
Through trials and tribulations' might, ⚔️
It shines a light, a guiding light. ✨

Through laughter and tears, it stands the ground, 🤣😭
Through every up and down, it wears the crown,
Of loyalty, of trust, of faith,
A bond that's unbreakable, a love that's great. 💕

So let us cherish, let us honor, 🙏
This vow we make, this heart's surrender,
For in commitment's embrace we find,
A love that's true, a bond that's divine. 💗

With every breath, with every heartbeat, ❤️
Let our commitment be the rhythm that repeats,
A love that's pure, a love that's true,
A bond that's strong, a commitment that shines through! 💫