

A message to Humans
I was delivered to this earth you call home

I was sent here to finish what you left of your world

I am foreign to your land iam foreign to your tounge

I know much more than your knowledge you call So Much

And here iam to clear your world up
,of all the things you ruined on your earth

You cleared up forests and you ruined all of this beatiful piece of rock by using all of the nuclear power.

And yet here iam to take care of one of my planets of my grand scheme.

And you can't fix what you did or redeem

We cared so much but you so less

But you aren't here to fix your mistakes
you have payed the price of what you did

You killed all the animals and all the plants thinking you are the only one born to evolve

you never found harmony with this earth you always wanted more and more.

And yet what you created ended you all, you all went up in a nuclear bomb!