

The glow - a radiant symbol of love's embrace,
A beacon that shone bright, illuminating the space,
From you, within me, a longing took its place,
A yearning for connection, a heart's gentle grace.

Your care and love lit up the darkest night,
I glowed with joy, basking in the warmth of your light,
My face aglow, a reflection of happiness so true,
A testament to the love we shared, pure and anew.

Now, in your absence, I miss that radiant glow,
The comfort of your presence, the love we used to know,
I long to share my thoughts, to rant and rave,
To feel the warmth of your love, like a gentle summer wave.

Though circumstances may change, the glow remains,
A spark within me, a love that still sustains,
I'll hold on to the memories, cherish them with care,
And know that love will bloom again, beyond compare.

When I'm hurting, I remember your love so true,
The way you'd console me, with a heart that's kind and new,
I miss the freedom to express my every thought,
To pour out my heart, and let my emotions be caught,
To lay all my complaints before you, without a fear,
These memories haunt me now, and bring a tear.

© Srizzz