

all that dirty beautiful lies,
acted, told and made felt,
the good, eternal words of love
i thought!
it was a knife beside my heart,
i was unaware,!"
i thought that the sky above me,
that we used to stare at night,
the stars that we counted,
when our skins made a chat,
i thought, its pure and eternal,
the bitter taste of betrayal were nowhere
i couldnt see it in your eyes,
i couldnt feel it in your touch,
neither you made me feel,
nor i realised i was being a halfwit
i counted the years ahead, where
our eternal bond will sway and dance
i couldnt recognize that my expectations,
would make me weep, at midnights
the sweet poison of intimacy you fed me
made me incapable to handle myself
you smile there? you laughing?
seeing me in this pain,?
i owe to you for the change you brought,
by tearing me in to pieces,
because of you i have started too see,
whores in the light and
fairies in the dark,
though the touch of your betrayal,
broke me in to pieces,
that also made me this strong
to break a thousand more times,
honey, you never know
when you too get in to hell
and i laugh at the door of hell
till then keep laughing at me,!
keep me burning
my ashes will turn as a fire.

© @Hiba nasrin km