

atleast didn't became a heartless guy
I never knew love until I saw you

trying to make you mine u get away far

trying to see you,tracks chnges on a different path

can't trust you after a yes cause it wasn't meant to be

was thinking of following you, we chnged paths

if I tke it I won't be happy in the other life

it's sharp it cuts but not as deep as your cant

the sorry was deep but understandable

atleast didn't became a heartless guy

trying it again won't make sense hi hello nice to meet you do u know me

get out of my sight

the ans hits here in my heart

but atleast didn't became a heartless guy

paddling through the angry pride

I don't know what is real anymore

I cant trust anyone's heart

expectation brings disappointment

faith becomes a important part

small succes becomes a gods gift

the broken heart still aches but it's to deep to make it happen again

atleast I didn't became a heartless guy paddling through hard times

I wish my heart never felt tht way but the pain now is sweet and sour

which made me understand trust more thn my heart
© by Nenong Moyong