

Bold strokes of a confident hand

The painting is a masterpiece

Executed just as planned

It brought the painter to his knees

He strokes the painting with a gentle hand

Emotions surreal because he can understand

The tears so fresh because they are his own

He reaped the rewards of what he had sown

The paint, the ink, black as his past

Cracks from when he broke out of his cast

The brush, soft, like the lies he was told

A crevice in the canvas for each time he was bold

In his small corner, he painted away

Their eyes reflecting night and day

He heard the silent swish of paper against paint

The smoothness of how it flows, it's resistance so faint

The brush in water, how the paint flew

Spreading in swirls as the paint grew

The scraping of bristles against the canvas dry

How everytime the paint dried the canvas would sigh

He painted his sorrow, his doubt, his grief

He painted his joy, surprise, no matter how brief

He painted his emotions and could see them in their eyes

The intentions of his characters behind their sullen eyes

He gave them their personalities, the desire in strife

And in one final stroke, he'd breathe them to life

How he had begun, from the very start

All come together in what we call art