

My Beloved Dad
You've always stood by me when I needed you
You never allowed me lack anything
Your advice has added more years to my life
If I come into this world again, I would always choose you as my father💕💞😃

Your love is incomparable and immeasurable
You stayed hungry so I could eat
You stayed awake so I could sleep
You promised to always give me reasons to smile and you did it🎊🌹💜

When everyone said I will not be useful in life, you hugged me and said, "I see you prosper and I love you."
When I wanted to give up on my dream, you encouraged me to keep trying
When everything seemed impossible, you made me believe I can always count on you.
Dad, I Love You!

Happy Father's Day 🎉💐💯
© Gbanigo B. Clever