


How do you tell an eagle
to fear heights, when it
was created for flight,
soaring will set it free
and let it roam the earth,
beyond as it should.

Then you tell a beauty
Bird to play small, and
express no pride, when
it's feathers are a sight
In itself. The peacock is
one of the most beautiful
things of nature.

Why would one, anyone
attempt to stop a monkey
from humping through the
forest, when its innate skills
is to jump through trees.

Most people are not ready
to be seen in repeat wears
yet they cannot boast of
any earnings.They bully the
weak even as anyone with
little to spare will bring
them to their knees.

They Invite you to eat,
and then hold on to your
hands. Fantasies are receps
due to mind conjurring,
realities are harsher, it's in
your face, a query challenging
your every turn.

They ask for our goals
and aspirations, when the
young have no clue of their
days past, where the answer
to everything Is a taboo,
forbidden for words.

You wonder how they
became of so weak when
they were raised on various
human aids. Grown humans,
spineless and clueless on
anything done normal,
waitiing to have enough
means to engage other life aids.

If the spirit and soul can
switch bodies, why then do
we stay stuck in just anyone.
A soul inside a difficult body
looks might as well get in to
an easy one.

When it feels scary, it doesn't
always dictate disaster.
Though, the best of buddies
can also become swift enemies,
If seen attacking ones very own.
It's a thin line between friends
and villains.

© Ibadiaran Omo Akinde

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