

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
In a blink of an eye they are all gone
Being swept away by this unhealthy wind
Just like pests that have been fumigated
Can't control all the pain
Of all those who are losing their beloved
Rolling bodies to hospital or to the grave
Ohh save us from this pendamic
Not because we are worthy but coz of your love
At this time we can only run to you please give us the answer.
Cleanse the air that we inhale and exhale.
Observing social distance is now our daily bread
Ready to abide by all the laws plus curfew
Optimistically waiting unto any news
New ideas about the cure as well
As we wait for answers and give you praise
Please heal our land.