

money game- lame
something in me is cursed
or am I the curse?
many things can be worse

people talk about the bad weather
I don't think that it's a matter
who knows better?

everyone cries because of little things
I don't thing it's of importance
to complain
and complain
and complain

but nevertheless there is a pain
a pain in the heart
or soul
I won't complain
oh I will complain
about this foggy pain
this sting in my eye
this dumb thing

winning winning
be better and
and better

A person once said that she was only worth something if she achieved something
but why doesn't she act
why is she just talking?

I wouldn't be worth it if I would achieve something

it's all about money
for them
only about career

ah the foggy pain becomes clearer
it's not about money
this dumb and ugly money game
like Ren said

it's lame, this game (what I say)

a game, which we cannot win

I won't participate in that way
only decay
only decay

Life is more important than money,
but it's also easier if you are financially secure
So I'm not sure.
Must we all play this damn game,
this money game?
Or is it just the fame?
Just the: I'm better, because I achieved something.

I think we can achieve things that have nothing to do with material things or money.

Experience is worth more.
Empathy is worth more.
Fighting for the 'weak' ones is worth more.
Justice and equality is worth more.

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