

Puppet Master
spell caster of your wildest dreams

gracious puppet master from behind the scenes.

scaurs land for idolist feands.
To know your worth if worth a bean,
so to hand you shirt,
and join the team.
If soul is pure and hands are clean?..
trust a day where your future green.

long skinny fingers tug the strings,
not a motion lingers for stutter things
every thought will flap a wing
even if you sought,
to let it hang from hinge the other will grab as if made to cling.

making circles like spinning top
blackouts; conscience drops
when woken, you're amongst the props..."thiss caannot b.."

"be real?
It is...you were just a 'Be' so I added my 'ing' so you can feel"
by doing so you now can know how to deal.
you will know pain, sadness,
misery...all loneliness will heal,
and strength you gain from these lessons you will use them as meal"

looking up; string dangling from rings,
scissors enter your view,
now might knowing feeling of detachment it brings...
yet it's oddly new...this feeling of 'ing'

adding to you're dull of a finite...

an unpredictable infinite of endings.

© Human