

Garden of hearts

The warm sun just rising shining on
My futile soul longing to be wind free
What is this new feeling of hope like
The scent of fondness in the clear breeze
Perchance perhaps courage, confidence
As I plant this dreary lifeless seed
Into this large field of coral colourful soil
Patiently, persistent, urge to see
Something brand new like this feeling

Months vanish, clear like a drizzling soft rain
Sun feeding, watering this mystical land
Growing the most rarest art symbol of life
Red coneflowers and pink roses so grand
Own the largest cherry blossom tree along
With purple leaves, the grass too expand
Enchanting isn't it but not what I'm looking for
Wait is that it

My wondering curious eye has
Spotted the freshest fruit
Ready to be pecked delicately
Out of my gentle hands
My perfect shape of love
The every absolute beats of desire
Dedicated to my soon to be loved
As I gift thee but not wrapped
And everything and I mean everything else

Once a wasted land
Is now a garden of hearts
A moment of love
© Humzee sparrow