

can I still be a nothing please?
A collaboration with a new friend of ours on writco! @Jai_

I’m terrified to look into the mirror these days,
Scared to death, to see what lies inside me.
A constant tussle in my head,
Will I look at a monster or worse, nothing?

Pairs of eyes staring at me
Fingers pointing out to me
Lips gossiping behind
And smiles deceiving mine
Am i seeing the real or worse,

Where do I put all this angst in me,
Penning this down makes me cry.
What is it that this heart is yearning for,
Will it be left with some life at the end or worse,

My pages are wet
Eyes burning red
Throat parched
So, When will this quest end
is there anything left to mend
Or nothing?

Well, let me breathe
And hear my beat
This life is fleet
To stand strong on your feet.
Should I really own my defeat
And still be a nothing?

© Rajvik and
© @Jai_

post script: @Jai_ is a new poet here!! I hope everyone here will support and love him as much as you people gave me!
thank you so much for all your support once again!! 💕