

People say that you can go from strangers to lovers and back to strangers again
But nobody warned me with the sign of Stop and Danger ahead

I hate the feeling of you making me feel like a stranger
As if i was nothing but just a game and you were the gamer

I feel something in my heart that i don't recognise
It's a feeling i felt for no one but for you i felt it twice

Everything is ended the chapter is completely closed by your side
And here I am still kinda waiting for that one look or just a sight

But I will denay this
That what ever I am feeling belongs to you
That we ever crossed each other's path and had the most beautiful moments even if they were few

Though it kills me from inside that we are starngers again
I had so many poems written for you, so many songs i never sang

I will always remember that day you wanted me to be by your side ; you said i can't believe i even dared
But we are strangers again but this time with bunch of moments and memories we shared

© MayAp