

The Choice
"I'm pregnant."
The media post goes live.
"It was a one night stand.
A one time mistake.
I don't even know the guy.
What should I do?"
She already knows the response.
"P.S. I'm religious."
She knows what word she wants.
The "A" word condemenable by her religion's morals.
35 redditors typing...
Upvote after upvote.
Her eyes widen at the response.
Her temptation is reaping support.
"Just get it."
This isn't the masses typing.
Her devil is overtaking.
"Get an abortion. You don't know the guy."
"Don't tell him. It's your body and your choice what you do."
Your body and your choice.
Your's, your's, your's.
The subreddit agrees.
Her mind deteriorates into self pleasement.
Mine, mine, mine.
I knew it was mine to make the choice.
Her baby continues to grow as her thoughts mature.
"That's not what she wants to hear. She said she's religious and wants to know if she should tell the guy or not."
An opposing view relapses her losing judgment.
I don't want to hear that.
Fight back.
My choice is almost there.
She can't think for herself
She is too scared to think for herself.
The black sheep of the responses gets bombarded with unholy righteousness.
"ABORTION should never be shamed. It is a woman's right. There should never be any question on what she decides."
If she decided to keep the baby her whole being as a woman would be condemned by the "your body, your choice" crowd.
Their voice of reason becomes suppressed by the down votes.
That last resistance crumbles under pressure.
"She had unprotected sex and a one night stand. How religious can she be? Just get the abortion and don't tell him. It's your body, not his."
Why does the vile side always win.
Humanity is nothing but selfish.
Her baby is too young to kick yet.
Her baby is old enough to have a heart beat.
Her state murders all the way till...