

“Lights In Your City!” (circa 1984)
“Pulling up in my car...
Upon the horizon I can clearly view the lights in your city.
It is Summer and the sun is setting on a hot and humid day.
The weekend is about to start and I'm feeling kinda frisky.
Dressed down in my Street Cred fashion, this man is styling and profiling.
You are heavy on my mind.
Time to make our date meaningful and risky.”

“Two wayward souls merging as one within this city.
Concrete and asphalt paved right under our willing feet.
We see each other and we greet with an embrace and a hungry kiss.
The air is mingled with passion and a sprinkle or two with madness.
We are aware but we don't care.
Walking downtown under the neon glow bathing in intrigue and bliss.”

“Upon our arrival, we are greeted as the proverbial guest to the most strangest kind of party.
Like staring down the barrel of a lover's gun.
You and I hit the dance floor and everyone suddenly takes instant notice.
We start and end with the most forbidden moves that we know.
They applaud us over and over again in the name of urban adventous fun.”

“We make our presence known in various locales as stealers of the sultry night.
Coming and going straight without a break or even a chaser.
Making debonair of our sheer energy without regret or despair.
Holding each other in a faithful embracer.”

“Hours past the stroke of midnight...
We are giddy and enjoying each other's company.
Being protrayed as lovers and not quite as mere acquainted friends.
For this is OUR moment! This is OUR date!
This will be our rememincing for all eternity.”

“And as the time has progressed, and so are we...
A slow and safe drive puts us back in the driveway of your place.
We engage in lengthy conversation as the darkness gives in to the morning light...
I walk you to your front door, and we depart with another sweet kiss and a most thoughtful embrace.”

“I cry with tears of joy as I view the lights in your city.
Within the rearview mirror as the sun begins its faithful daily assent.
I myself am feeling tired, a little drunk but happy nonetheless.
Time well spent with a most desirable and beautiful female human creature.
Heading cautiously back to my humble abode to relax, rest and circumvent.”

© 1984, 2023 RyderSound®
Ghost👻Files Archival Poetry
Pandora's Pen / GSPro!®

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