

A Strong Whisper
You hugged me close because the cold makes me shiver,
You shouted in a strong whisper,
A sweet remark of the I word,
It's the most endearing voice I've ever heard.

Reaching forth my hands,
To yours within these hilly lands,
Never letting go,
And contentedly watch the moonlight's glow.

Appreciate the beauty of it's gloomy glare,
But some wind stirred by the breath of monsoon air,
A sudden moisture fell to soil-hearing the whole earth change its tune,
Rain follows the full and new phases of the moon.

Showers of rain soak us to the core,
You wouldn't want to leave me alone-eternal moment and more.
Pounding hearts, pounding thunder,
Wet lips tastes passionate and the wonder.

And we began making stories of love under the falling skies,
While gazing at the wonders of nature with your sweet and tender eyes.

©Lai Montes