

My first love
He came to my life as a ray of hope....
A hope that led me from darkness to a beautiful world.....
He had the way to my thoughts and the way to my dreams.....
He led me to the way, where everything was in peace....
Me being in a fantasy world where love had the colour of happiness....
Ready to live and ready to die....
Oh... What a stupid I was to think...
Everything is going well till end....
He went back from where he came...
The feelings that made me bloom made me fade....
I lost my mind;
I lost my dreams;
Me once tourtured by childhood nightmares
Was now tourtured by his thoughts....
I cried and I begged but he never came back....
I moved on by burriying him deep down inside....
Always had a pain when heard his name....
Oh my first love.....
It's hard to get away....
I wanna scream... Wanna cry.... Wanna hate you till I die....
You made me bloom,
You made me fade....
And never felt again that blooming phase...
Oh my first love...
I will never bloom again....
© neethu sudheep