

There are 3 things a leader should have
1. wisdom__ Wisdom should be part of your life, without wisdom you are worthless, you can not build a house from the roof and it will not collapse, it will surely collapse but starting from the foundation it is the wisdom God has granted, A WISDOM MAN IS BETTER THAN A GREAT FIGHTER.
He can use the wisdom to fight you because it's a secret that you can not understand
This life all we need is wisdom without wisdom we are nothing.

2. Fasting and prayer_ in whatever you are doing there must be problem the only thing that can solve the issue is only fasting and praying for your own, it may be company or nation, because God will always hear the prayer of the leader, a leader must do he is assigned to do and part of it is this fasting and praying, assume in our country, let a president just say "there will be fasting for 40...