

Tell Me
Tell me not about success, I’ve heard it all,
From people who can’t seem to stop
Talking about themselves.
Instead, tell me, tell me how hard it is
To get up each morning,
Still you manage to do so, every single day.

Tell me, tell me about that courage you muster
Each time you stand in front of the mirror,
Though you know that time and time again,
You see a stranger staring back at you.

No, don’t tell me how you’ve perfectly hidden
Those dark circles around your eyes.
Instead, tell me the reason behind it
Maybe those nightmares were bothering you every night?

Tell me how you overcome it.
The fear when you’re being chase down
By those demons running after you.
I want to know how you able to get through it.
You did. Even though you feel like you didn’t.
Evidence is that you’re still here, Isn’t that a fact?

Tell me, I want to know
The sadness behind that smile, pain behind that laughter
The “not” in "I’m fine”, the “no” in “Are you okay?”
Tell me how you cried and wiped those tears away
Tell me how you fall and pick yourself up.

Tell me how you struggle
And I’ll tell you how you succeed.

© miaeuphe

#Life #lifelesson #Struggle #writers #writco #writcoapp #Writing #Poetry #poem #poetspoetry